Rising Temperatures and Cooling Parking Lots

There is no denying that the summer heat can be oppressive. No matter where in the United States you are located, every summer feels like stepping into an oven. As a business owner, the comfort of your customers is your number one priority. After all, a happy customer is more likely to make a purchase at your establishment.

When performing a commercial business remodel, you should take into consideration parking lot improvements as well. Making small alterations to your parking lot can cool it considerably and increase the comfort of your clientele. Division 9 Commercial Construction is a commercial contractor that can assist in improving your business’s parking lot design. When it comes to a business remodel, Division 9 Commercial Construction has the expertise to tackle every aspect of the project.

Increased Vegetation Means Decreased Temps

One of the easiest alterations you could make to a parking lot is adding vegetation islands. These islands are designed to provide heat sinks throughout the parking lot, as well as much-needed shade. Planting trees within the vegetation islands are a great way to generate shade for your clientele.

Not only do vegetation islands provide shade, but they also provide wind barriers. Wind barriers should be placed along the perimeter of the parking lot to prevent winter winds from blowing across your parking lots. Planting shrubs throughout the main parking lot area and trees along the perimeter allows for a cool summer breeze to blow across the entire parking lot while mitigating the inclement winter chill.

Vegetation islands are easy on the eyes and increase the resale value of your business property. They are well worth the initial upfront investment. Division 9 Commercial Construction is available to provide input on the best possible design for your parking lots. While updating your parking lot to make it more heat friendly, we can also perform any needed ADA alterations. Not being compliant with ADA accommodations in parking lots is an obvious fine as it is the first accommodation that an inspector will check for.

Contact Us for a Free Commercial Construction Quote

The experienced contractors at Division 9 Commercial Construction can provide a free estimate for your commercial construction project. We can handle any commercial project you can throw at us. Please contact our office at 800-991-4121 to speak with one of our representatives regarding your commercial construction project.