Is Vinyl Planking Right for My Business?

Commercial businesses receive a lot of foot traffic, much more than residential homes. Businesses must also contend with heavy machinery, package deliveries, and heavy furniture throughout the establishment. Any flooring in a commercial business will be put through the wringer. If your commercial flooring has seen better days, Division 9 Commercial Construction has experienced contractors available to update your business. Our contractors are licensed and insured, giving you peace of mind when they come to perform the commercial flooring remodel.

What is Luxury Vinyl Planking?

One of the most popular forms of flooring is called luxury vinyl planking. This is a completely waterproof floor with a thick protective layer that sits over top of multiple layers of pressed vinyl. Vinyl planking can mimic the look and aesthetic of hardwood flooring without the expense of hardwood flooring prices.

Is Vinyl Planking Affordable?

Our contractors at Division 9 Commercial Construction can provide your commercial business with an estimate for installing vinyl planking. The estimate will also depend on which thickness of vinyl planking you choose. The thicker vinyl planks will be more expensive, but will also last longer than the thinner planks.

Vinyl planking is very affordable when compared to hardwood. The most appealing aspect of vinyl planking is the fact that it is 100% waterproof. This makes it an ideal installation in areas that retain moisture, such as commercial kitchens or bathrooms. Customers will also find the aesthetic of vinyl planking much more pleasing than standard carpeting.

Does Vinyl Planking Come with Commercial Warranties?

Since commercial businesses put extra wear and tear on their flooring, many types of flooring do not offer warranties on commercial applications. In contrast however, many brands of vinyl planking will offer a limited commercial warranty on their higher-end products.

Contact Division 9 Commercial Construction to Discuss Flooring Options

Please contact a representative at Division 9 Commercial Construction at 800-991-4121 to discuss which type of flooring is best for you. Our licensed and insured contractors can help you find the flooring that complements your commercial business.