Time to Start your Spring Construction Projects

Performing a renovation to your business is a big undertaking. It is difficult to pull the trigger on a construction project because of the impact on your business, troublesome and costly weather delays, and the ever-rising costs of building materials. However, there are ways to mitigate the weather delays and minimize the effects on your business. Division 9 Commercial Construction is a commercial construction agency that can finish your construction quickly with as few effects on your business as possible.

Spring Construction Projects

Spring is an excellent time to start commercial renovations. With the ground warming up, excavation work will be much easier. Although rain is a common issue in the spring, it usually takes only a few weeks of nice weather to get any outdoor work completed. The remainder of the work will be completed out of the elements and will no longer be subject to weather delays.

The holiday months are usually a busy time for retailers. To minimize the impacts on your business, we recommend starting construction during your slow months. A construction project that begins in the spring will likely be finished by the time any major holidays come around.

Some businesses retain a steady number of customers year-round. For those businesses we are flexible, and our crews can work with you to minimize disruptions. Division 9 Commercial Construction has contractors experienced in open store remodels, where our team will perform work after hours or on weekends.

Summer Construction

Spring construction is not the right option for every business. Some businesses prefer not to have the headache of a remodel occurring alongside uncertain weather. Summer is the best time for performing outdoor construction work because the risk of weather delays is lower than in the other seasons.

Fall and winter construction projects bring the same weather headaches as spring construction. Winter especially is a bad time for outdoor construction because you run into issues with snow or freezing temperatures.

Summer is the busiest time for contractors. Contact our Division 9 Commercial Construction office at 800-991-4121 for a free estimate as soon as possible. We are booking construction jobs for the summer and fall seasons quickly. With pleasant weather right around the corner, you should not wait any longer for a consultation with one of our technicians.