What is Commercial Construction?

Understanding construction jargon is not intuitive if you have never worked in the field before. Construction is divided into two main categories, non-residential and residential. Residential construction focuses on renovations and builds for homeowners. On the other hand, non-residential construction is broken up into heavy industrial, institutional and commercial, and engineering. For example, a retail store undergoing a remodel would be classified as commercial construction. Division 9 Commercial Construction is a commercial construction firm specializing in open store remodels, commercial renovations, and ADA alterations.

Common Commercial Construction Projects

When it comes to commercial construction, some of the most common projects include renovations to the following:

  1. Retail Stores
  2. Grocery Stores
  3. Restaurants
  4. Apartment Buildings
  5. Hotels
  6. Medical Facilities
  7. Shopping Centers
  8. School Buildings
  9. Sports Facilities

However, this is not a comprehensive list of all the commercial construction types. If you are unsure if your project falls under “commercial construction”, don’t hesitate to contact our Division 9 Commercial Construction office to speak to one of our representatives. We can advise if your construction project falls under our area of expertise. We have performed construction on both small and large-scale commercial businesses.

What is a “Licensed Contractor”?

“Licensed and Insured” is common terminology that you will hear from commercial contractors. A contracting company must receive a license from the states they operate in before being eligible for insurance. Conversely, that means that an unlicensed contractor will not carry any liability insurance. Never hire an unlicensed or uninsured contractor because if they are working at your business and an injury or damage occurs, you will be fully responsible for the financial impact.

Division 9 Commercial Construction is both a licensed and insured contracting company. You never have to worry about Division 9 Commercial Construction lacking the proper licenses or permits. We will not perform any work before receiving the proper permitting for the commercial construction project.

Contact Us for a Free Estimate

Division 9 Commercial Construction can handle most commercial construction projects. Our services currently span 13 states, and we have decades of experience in quickly and efficiently completing our projects. Contact our office at 800-991-4121 to schedule an appointment for a free estimate. We have representatives available throughout the week to get you an accurate quote on your commercial renovations.